We love matcha, we drink it every day, and you should too!

We have it in the traditional way, or as a matcha latte – we also add it to our smoothies, and we cook with it!

We drink matcha daily not just because of the health benefits of matcha, but also the calm focus that it provides!  This helps us stay on task, and feel relaxed at the same time.

The Merchant of Matcha started out selling authentic, Japanese matcha sourced from local farmers in Japan. 

We found an amazing English-speaking broker that works with artisan small farms, usually family operated and some that have been in existence for over 100 years!

Did you know that most of the tea produced in Japan stays in Japan?  More than 97% of Japanese tea never leaves Japanese shores.

And the best matcha in the world is produced in Japan, much of it in Uji in Kyoto prefecture.

Matcha Cafe

Selling and shipping matcha direct from Japan is possible, but it takes time!

Our broker works in his business Monday-Friday, not 24×7.  He has the weekends off to relax with his family.  

When we place an order, he usually has to get it from the farmer so it can take a few days before the order is processed.  Sometime it can take a week or more.

When the order is shipped, it takes a few days to get to it’s international destination.

This no-hurry process means that it’s a kind of zen experience – you might get your matcha in 7 days or you might have to wait 2 weeks or more.

The wait is worth it though as this is the freshest product you can get!

But we realised that a lot of people are in a hurry, and in these days of instant online ordering and shipping, we saw an opportunity to branch out.

We started to find and recommended top-quality matcha sourced from Japan but shipped locally to customers. 

We partner with Amazon and directly with local vendors in the US, Australia and the UK to provide a convenient marketplace of authentic Japanese matcha that can be shipped today and delivered super quick!

You can read our Affiliate Disclosure to find out how this works.

We only select top-rated products, mostly organic, and always from a Japanese source.

There is plenty of cheap matcha for sale, and if you are drinking that then you are not getting the true matcha experience.

If the matcha is cheap, it is culinary grade matcha and only meant for cooking!

It will be a lower quality product, picked from leaves further down the plant, and may not be of Japanese origin – the Chinese also produce matcha, some if which has been found to contain lead, pesticides and pollutants.

You can still buy our Japanese Matcha directly from our online store – and we highly recommend it because that’s what we drink!

But we also know that you will find a great quality product from the premium matcha we recommend that is shipped locally to you.

Enjoy your matcha!

The Merchant